Saturday, March 16, 2013

De-Stress Plan

While stressed spelled backwards is desserts, indulging in an abundance of sweets is not how God wants us to get rid of stress.  After a lot of prayer God gave me a plan that hopefullly can help us alieviate some of the stress we encounter from our lives. I created this plan from a combination of Jesus Calling by Sarah Young and Live Loved by Max Lucado.

The De-Stress Plan is as follows:
1. "Begin by saying the name of Jesus out loud." (Jesus Calling p. 79)
2. When stress begins to build up "take mini breaks." (Jesus Calling p. 78)
3. "Remember He is on your side and the more difficult your day is the more He yearns to help you." (Jesus Calling p. 79)
4. Read Philipians 4:6-7
5. "Don't take yourself so seriously." (Jesus Calling p. 79)
6. Remember "Anxiety wraps you up with in yourself, trapping you in your own thoughts." (Jesus Calling p. 79)
7. Read 1 Thesselonians 5:16-18
8. Begin to "Collect your blessings." (Live Loved p. 42)
9. Read Hebrews 12:10
10. "Gratitude is always an option." (Live Loved p. 42)
11. "Make gratitude your default emotion." (Live Loved p. 42)
12. Read Joel 2:26
13. Remember He is letting you experience these things for your good.
14. Read Isaiah 26:3-4
15. Read Galatians 5:22-25
16. Pray and thank God for this day.