Saturday, February 4, 2012

We are Free to Choose

When Octavia Spencer won the Gloden Globe for best supporting actress she quoted Martin Luther King. Refering to people who serve others she said, "All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance."

If we, in our humanness, can recognize that hard work and serving others has value and honor, then just consider how much more God honors us when we willingly serve Him as, messengers, and ministers sent by Him to accomplish His work (Isaiah 43:4).

We are free to choose God or to let go of Him at anytime. He gives us the freedom to let go of His hand. We don't have to do anything He says; however staying in His will is always the best choice because His plans are to prosper us and not to harm us (Jeremiah 29:11).

Blue Letter Bible & the Gesenius Lexicon define servants as: " Servants of the king; ministers & courtiers, messengers, military captains & common soldiers." Also, "worshippers of God, and the minister or ambassador of God, called and sent by God for accomplishing some service." As we work for Him and see His blessing for others and ourselves then that makes us fall so utterly in love with Him that we voluntarily become His servants. Even a servant of servants. That is when we live and breathe God and want to please Him alone.

Isn't it interesting that when we decide to serve Him by helping others in whatever way He has lead us to serve, yet somehow through our service to others our own needs get met. It doesn't seem like it should be that way, but that is how He has designed it.

Read More: Matthew 25:14-23
Prayer: Thank you for honoring me and rewarding me for faithful service.
Plan of Action (James 1:22 & James 1:25): Make the decision to do whatever He seems to be asking you to do.

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